Online coaching & online supervision based on DGSv certified qualification
With our online qualification formats, you can build up and expand your professional and advisory basis of online consulting skills. Our modules offer supervision groups the opportunity to qualify precisely according to their needs. You benefit from our experience in university education contexts (teaching modules) and the DGSv certified qualification series.
What do we offer you in the additional qualification online coaching / online supervision?
You have the opportunity to:
- Clarify your self-perception, role & attitude towards online coaching, as well as your understanding of the online business model.
- Gain more confidence in dealing with challenging situations and disruptions in the online setting.
- Work in online practical situations.
- Combine economic, technical & supervisory knowledge.
You gain:
- Confidence in using technical tools.
- Suggestions for interactive design & communication of your processes.
- A better psychodynamic understanding of group dynamic processes online and offline.
- Knowledge through additional expert input and reference to current business topics and trends (e.g. data protection, new work, metaverse, etc.).
You learn:
- to enter into relationships online.
- in a trusting, collegial learning environment, in different group formats.
- with experiential learning. The joy of experimentation and the fun of testing and reflecting together enable quick implementation in everyday consulting.
- to work in online practical situations.
Reflexive, interactive exchange, expert contributions
Based on the curriculum of the DGSv certified qualification in online coaching / online supervision, we will coordinate your individual needs for a qualification, course or as a keynote with you.
Here you will find our main content areas:
Online supervision and
coaching: Basics & goals
of further training
Turn on, turn in,
turn off:
Group, culture/s,
diversity –
digital mindfulness
Meeting online:
Designing relationships & spaces
Ensuring process quality –
challenging online situations
Digital topics in the working world for
The practice-oriented learning modules are supplemented by 2 deep dive units in which the focus is on your own experience with tools. In addition, you will receive up-to-date specialist knowledge in the modules through interactive exchanges with experts.
Meeting online:
Designing relationships & spaces
- Professional tools and effective,
simple aids - Online intervention register
Ensuring process quality –
challenging online situations
- In the hallway or in the coffee kitchen –
making group process dynamics visible – this can also be done online -
TBeing part of the process and using it for yourself
Digital topics in the working world for
Integrated coaching platform
Metaverse & 3D online collaboration environment for teams/groups
New Normal – New online working environments and influence on group dynamics
Data protection
In all modules, experiential learning: combination of concepts from different schools (e.g. psychodynamic, systemic),
(self-)reflection and experimenting with online coaching & tools.
Susanne Lohrke
Susanne Lohrke ist mit Begeisterung selbstständige psychodynamische Supervisiorin & Coach (DGSv). Seit 2020 ist sie zudem geschäftsführend als Organisationsberaterin der CONBEN GmbH und in der freien Wirtschaft tätig.
Durch Projekte in USA, UK und China hat sie rund 15 Jahre Coaching-Erfahrung, on- und offline, mit interkulturellen und fachübergreifenden Teams in unterschiedlichen Branchen. Darüber hinaus begleitet sie Schulen und Bildungseinrichtungen im Bereich digitales Lernen und Lehren.
Susanne Lohrke
Geschäftsführerin CONBEN & Leiterin CONBEN INSTITUTE,
Coach & Supervisorin DGSv-zertifiziert, Diplom-Kff.
Dr. Laura Glauser
Ihre drei Ausbildungen im Bereich systemischer Beratung, Coaching (zertifiziert vom DBVC) und Teamentwicklung ergänzte sie mit einer psychodynamischen Supervisionsausbildung (DGSv). Die Verbindung von Beratungspraxis und wissenschaftlicher Reflexion zeichnet ihre Arbeitsweise aus.
Dr. Laura Glauser
Coach & Supervisorin DGSv-zertifiziert